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标题: 游客在美国自驾遭检控 中国驾照不管用了 [打印本页]

作者: Poly    时间: 2015-9-18 00:06     标题: 游客在美国自驾遭检控 中国驾照不管用了

今年,持有绿卡的周寰寰,于3月21日用中国驾照开车时,被巡警拦下,给了一张按无照驾驶的罚单。5月29日到位于兰丘库卡蒙卡(Rancho Cucamonga) 的圣县高等法院出庭。法官赖克特(Standford R. Reichert)于早上9时左右开庭审理该案。在中文翻译的协助下,赖克特向周寰寰指出,无照丶无保险驾驶属于轻罪,可被最高判入狱半年及罚款2000美元。

游客在美国自驾遭检控 中国驾照不管用了


依法,定居加州,在成为加州居民的10天内,就应向车辆管理局(DMV) 申请考取加州本地驾照。


Foreign Nationals Driving in the United States

People who drive in the United States must have a valid driver’s license.  在美国开车你必须拥有有效的驾驶证

To rent a vehicle in the U.S., check with the rental company and find out about documents and other requirements, like how old you have to be.  These requirements vary from state to state.  在美国租车,你需要联系出租车公司了解详情,每个州的情况会有所不同)

If you are a visitor from outside the United States and Canada who plans to drive in the U.S., check with the [url=]motor vehicle department of each state[/url] you will drive in for its requirements.  Some of the states will require an International Driving Permit (IDP) in addition to a valid license from your own country.  (美国和加拿大之外的游客,从各个州的汽车管理部门DMV获得具体要求,有些州还需要国际驾驶许可IDP)

Short-Term Visitors

If you intend on getting an IDP, you must do so in advance of your travel:


[url=]V C Section 12502 Nonresident Driver[/url]Nonresident Driver

12502.  (a) The following persons may operate a motor vehicle in this state without obtaining a driver’s license under this code:

(1) A nonresident over the age of 18 years having in his or her immediate possession a valid driver’s license issued by a foreign jurisdiction of which he or she is a resident, except as provided in Section 12505. 你在本国居住地的官方颁发的有效驾照、年满18周岁即可。)

(2)A nonresident, 21 years of age or older, if transporting hazardous material, as defined in Section 353, in a commercial vehicle, having in his or her immediate possession, a valid license with the appropriate endorsement issued by another state or other jurisdiction that is recognized by the department, or a Canadian driver’s license and a copy of his or her current training certificate to transport hazardous material that complies with all federal laws and regulations with respect to hazardous materials, both of which shall be in his or her immediate possession.

(3) A nonresident having in his or her immediate possession a valid driver’s license, issued by the Diplomatic Motor Vehicle Office of the Office of Foreign Missions of the United States Department of State, for the type of motor vehicle or combination of vehicles that the person is operating.

(b) (1) A driver required to have a commercial driver’s license under Part 383 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations who submits a current medical examiner’s certificate to the licensing state in accordance with Section 383.71(h) of Subpart E of Part 383 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, documenting that he or she meets the physical qualification requirements of Section 391.41 of Subpart E of Part 391 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, is not required to carry on his or her person the medical examiner’s certificate or a copy of that certificate.

(2) A driver may use the date-stamped receipt, given to the driver by the licensing state agency, for up to 15 days after the date stamped on the receipt, as proof of medical certification.

(c) A nonresident possessing a medical certificate in accordance with subdivision (b) shall comply with any restriction of the medical certificate issued to that nonresident.

(d) This section shall become operative on January 31, 2014.

Added Sec. 2.5, Ch. 670, Stats. 2012. Effective January 31, 2014.





加州政府不承认国际驾照InternationalDriving Permit为合法驾照。





亚拉巴马州, 可以, 16/+

阿拉斯加州, 可以, 90days, 16/+

亚利桑那州, 可以

阿肯色州,不可以, IDPrequired

加利福尼亚州, 可以,18+ 60days

科罗拉多州, 可以, 16/+

康涅狄格州, 不可以, IDP required

特拉华州, 可以, 16+

佛罗里达州,可以, 16/+;

州议会在2012年修改了条款,从2013年起持中国驾照不能在佛州合法驾驶,但是州交管部门在2013年2月14日发表了申明,暂时不会强制执行该条法令。最新: 佛州州长4月2日已签署H7059号法令,废除去年通过的外国人在佛州驾驶必须拥有国际驾照的规定,大家可以继续持本国有效驾照放心驾驶。

佐治亚州, 可以

夏威夷州, 不可以, IDP required

爱达荷州, 可以

伊利诺伊州, 可以, 整个合法访问期间

印第安纳州可以, 16.5/+

艾奥瓦州, 可以

堪萨斯州, 可以

肯塔基州, 不可以, IDP required

路易斯安那州, 可以, 90days

缅因州, 可以, 16/+

马里兰州, 可以

萨诸塞州, 不可以

密西根州, 不可以

明尼苏达州, 可以, 15/+

密西西比州, 可以, 60days, 18/+

密苏里州, 可以, 16/+

蒙大拿州, 可以, 15/+

内布拉斯加州, 可以, 30days

内华达州, 可以, 16/+

新罕布什尔州, 不可以, 州法第21篇《机动车》没有明确该州承认的签发外国驾照的具体国家,且免除条款均适用互相承认驾照的州/省/国家

新泽西州, 不可以

新墨西哥州, 可以, 15/+

纽约州, 可以

北卡罗来纳州, 可以

北达科他州, 可以, 16/+

俄亥俄州, 可以

奧克拉荷马州, 可以, 16/+

俄勒冈州, 可以, 16/+

宾夕法尼亚州, 可以, 16/+

罗得岛州, 可以, 16/+

南卡罗来纳州, 可以, 16/+

南达科他州, 可以, 16/+

田纳西州, 可以

德克萨斯州, 不可以

犹他州, 可以, 6months, 16/+


弗吉尼亚州, 可以, 16.25/+

华盛顿州, 可以, 1year, 16/+

西弗吉尼亚州, 可以, 90days,16/+

威斯康星州, 不可以, IDP required

怀俄明州, 可以

华盛顿特区, 可以, 30days



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