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标题: 抢到的短售屋,原价转让 [打印本页]

作者: redrock    时间: 2012-12-6 17:40     标题: 抢到的短售屋,原价转让

5月份签到的短售屋,这个月过户。因家里有事,只好转让,转让价15万5千。2008年新屋 1978尺、4房3.5浴.位西南89147最精华区(Spanish Trail正对面)。2007 预售价$345000、 2008 年建商抛售价$255000.现在一条街外的在建新屋,建商开价$250,000。转让价包括escrow,税,过户费。最佳投资,不二价,非诚勿扰。电626-297-8196。
作者: caveman    时间: 2012-12-7 12:58

Most Short Sale Lender will not allow buyer to re-assign the deal.   
Talk to your agent first.
作者: 大wsj    时间: 2012-12-7 17:38

回复 3# willi3131

好美的梦,可惜short sale买家是不能转认,
作者: redrock    时间: 2012-12-7 19:26

回复 2# caveman

    你知道什么叫“double escrow” 吗?

作者: Irene    时间: 2012-12-7 20:10

本帖最后由 Irene 于 2012-12-7 20:45 编辑
回复  caveman

    你知道什么叫“double escrow” 吗?

    你的房地产律师会告诉你,这就是 ...
redrock 发表于 2012-12-7 19:26

请redrock好好念念这篇小短文. 看过后, 还用得着问律师吗? 除非不懂英文. 说实话, 我以前就不知道有“double escrow” , 但看了这篇小短文后, 我就知道了, 就长学问了, 网上什么没有啊.

The Consigliere Files: Double Escrows that Involve Short Sales
By Christopher Moles

Double escrows, or simultaneous property flips, are not illegal. However, it’s clear that double escrows can lead to various dilemmas. This is because a double escrow inherently requires a property to transfer at less than the property’s present value. The same is true for short sales. Short sales cause dilemmas because someone is always taking a hit on the property. The purpose of this writing is to warn of some of the potential pitfalls in trying to pull off a double escrow during a short sale.

The Problem Scenario

Someone submits an offer at less than the property owner’s mortgage. Of course, this requires approval by the bank. During negotiations, the buyer locates a second buyer to purchase the property at a higher price simultaneous with the short sale or in rapid succession. The bank is not aware of the second buyer and the short sale is approved without the bank truly realizing its highest and best return in the transaction.

This scenario can lead to problems for all parties involved. The seller is certifying that he or she is offering the property at the “highest and best return” presently possible. So, when the bank finds out that the property immediately sold for higher than the seller’s price, the bank has a circumstantial claim against the seller for fraud – the favorite cause of action for plaintiffs in real property cases. And you may recall, demonstrating fraud always allows the bank to reinstate deficiency.

The initial buyer can be in hot water as well. This is because some short sale approvals require the buyer to promise to retain the property for a proscribed “retention period.” This is a direct attempt by the banks to eliminate double escrows in short sale transactions.

As I pointed out in a past newsletter, property retention clauses have become so common that the federal government now requires buyer retention periods for any short sale that comes about as part of a federal program. For example, short sales that are part of the Obama Administration’s Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives (HAFA) program require the buyer to hold the property for at least 90 days. In essence, the federal government disallows double escrows for any short sale transaction that it helps facilitate.

DRE Red Flags

In recent DRE actions against licensees who have been jeopardized by a double escrow involving a short sale, the DRE alleged that the second buyer was not sufficiently at an “arms-length,” and/or that the second sale was made possible by an obviously inflated appraisal. While these dishonest acts can occur in any transaction, it is now clear that the DRE will search for them by particularly scrutinizing double escrows.

Also, there are foreseeable fiduciary dilemmas that arise anytime an agent tries to double-end a double escrow. These dilemmas may not be curable by full disclosure. For instance, if an agent represents both buyer and seller in the first transaction, and then the same agent represents the new seller in the simultaneous flip at a higher listing price, the agent may be in breach of his or her duties to the first seller. In this case, it might not matter whether the first seller knew that the buyer was going to flip the property and the agent was going to represent the second listing. At the moment that the same agent lists the same home for two different sellers at different prices, the agent could face trouble.

Title Company Concerns

Due to the relative risk involved with double escrows, some title companies are now refusing to close simultaneous transactions. As a result, some instances have been recorded where perpetrators commit a fraudulent “single transaction property flip.” Basically, the first seller sells directly to the last buyer, and the middleman is paid outside of closing. Suffice it to say, these transactions can only be pulled off if the parties commit some sort of fraud on the HUD 1.

Disclose, Disclose, Disclose

Of course, the best way to avoid a problem is to let all parties, especially the short sale bank, know about the pending flip. If disclosure will destroy your chances of getting bank approval, then that should tell you something about the safety of your deal.

Regardless of whether or not the bank approves the deal, parties should take care to learn the contractual obligations of the buyer before proceeding as the buyer may be required to retain the property or otherwise make the property a primary residence.

In closing, double escrows in short sale transactions are technically allowable, but they are difficult to pull off properly and the government openly discourages the practice. Therefore, these transactions are generally not advisable.
作者: BBQ    时间: 2012-12-7 20:30


作者: Irene    时间: 2012-12-7 20:53

回复 7# BBQ

你又开始撒疫症了, 让我说你什么好. 我喜欢所有的人, 但就不包括你!
作者: BBQ    时间: 2012-12-7 21:07

回复  BBQ

你又开始撒疫症了, 让我说你什么好. 我喜欢所有的人, 但就不包括你!
Irene 发表于 2012-12-7 20:53

作者: 沙漠林    时间: 2012-12-7 21:44

回复 6# Irene

为 “double escrows”说几句公道话。

    "double escrows" 是完全合法的操作工具,我十多年前有使用过。它现在之所以让人怀疑(仅仅是怀疑,并没有法律证据)在short sale交易过程的合法性,是因为有人利用这种工具赚取巨额差价,损害了shortsale 卖方(lender)的利益,干扰了市场正常的运作。如果没有巨额差价的前提,lender无权干涉第二个escrow 的正当性。redrock想原价转让,我看不处有什么不妥之处,也看不到什么暴利的甜头。


In closing, double escrows in short sale transactions are technically allowable, but they are difficult to pull off properly and the government openly discourages the practice.
“结论,技术上double escrows在短售交易中是允许的,但是要摆脱政府在交易中的干涉是有困难的。”

要教训他人,最好把文章看懂再发言,否则讲得多 半桶水摇晃得让人笑话更多。
作者: BBQ    时间: 2012-12-7 22:05

回复  Irene

为 “double escrows”说几句公道话。

    "double escrows" 是完全合法的操作工具,我 ...
沙漠林 发表于 2012-12-7 21:44



老实说,double escrow是可行,但如果是fannie mae OR freddie mac own the loan,很多手续啊!!!!烦死了,没多少经纪喜欢做啊。
作者: Irene    时间: 2012-12-8 00:49

本帖最后由 Irene 于 2012-12-8 09:37 编辑
回复  Irene

为 “double escrows”说几句公道话。

    "double escrows" 是完全合法的操作工具,我 ...
沙漠林 发表于 2012-12-7 21:44

我说什么了吗?只是转发了个英文小短文(没找着中文的),让大家看看, 讨论讨论; 而是你把人想歪了, 把事情搞杂了. 还有, 你我英文都是第二语言, 知道不知道"五十步笑百步"这句话的意思? 为人要低调些为好哟, 要有自知之明. 你我都是在别人屋檐下讨生活, 大家都不容易, 所以我尽量不对自己的同胞说难听的话, 更不搞人身攻击, 这是我在美国做人的原则. 再说, 在网上和素不相识相识的人争强好胜, 有这个必要吗?! 就到此为止,不再回帖.
作者: Irene    时间: 2012-12-8 01:22

本帖最后由 Irene 于 2012-12-8 01:52 编辑

BBQ 发表于 2012-12-7 21:07 [url=

请问: 你叫Irene吗?
如果你是, 那你不会发帖在骂自己吧? 没病吧?   
如果你不是, 那谁是Irene呢? 我说我叫Irene了吗?

Irene, 你好吗?

作者: lvdrunk    时间: 2012-12-8 08:39

BBQ 发表于 2012-12-7 21:07 [url=http://www.chinesein ...
Irene 发表于 2012-12-8 01:22

作者: TT43    时间: 2012-12-8 10:50


1). "double escrows" 是完全合法的操作工具, 但现在绝大部分ShortSales,"double escrows" 都不合法,因为绝大部分Lenders都从Obama那里拿了钱,而政府在它的现在的项目里,不允许"double escrows"。当然你可以挑战政府,说它的这个行为不合法。fannie mae OR freddie mac 就更不行了,做多少PaperWork 都不灵。

2)正常的Transactions根本就和Lenders(Seller’s)没关系,但现在是ShortSales, 你让Lender赔钱卖,人家当然有权利说行或不行,而且现在有几家Lenders没从政府拿钱。

3)当你看见“Sth. is technically allowed”, 基本就是“兄弟,求求你了,这事儿别干了,不太靠谱”。
作者: 沙漠林    时间: 2012-12-8 12:35

本帖最后由 沙漠林 于 2012-12-8 14:20 编辑

回复 12# Irene




你在哪个屋檐下生活不重要,你回不回贴也不重要。重要的是不要处处以“专家”自居,教训小学生似的“请redrock好好念念这篇小短文. 看过后, 还用得着问律师吗?”

作者: 山川    时间: 2012-12-8 16:38

本帖最后由 山川 于 2012-12-8 17:12 编辑

lender 批准得到后:
1. 原买方的contengency没得到满足;
2. 买方去世
3. 买方未能获取贷款

作者: TT43    时间: 2012-12-9 18:05

lender 批准得到后:
1. 原买方的contengency没得到满足;
2. ...
山川 发表于 2012-12-8 16:38

这些情况的却算不上转让,更算不上Double  Escrow 了。

也许应当算是非正常重新上市,List Agent 和Seller, 或 First Buyer 搞了点小猫腻。。。。。呵呵,瞎猜。。。。
作者: yaya2    时间: 2012-12-10 08:27

本帖最后由 yaya2 于 2012-12-10 18:48 编辑

回复 16# 沙漠林

作者: xyz777    时间: 2012-12-12 16:19


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